How to Use Pledge Manager

Kickstarter sends us your e-mail address, your main pledge level and the total they charged to your account. But that’s all the data they provide to us. We don’t get your name, your shipping details or any of your add-on set selections. For those of you who want to upgrade or add to your order, there’s no good way to do it. To capture all this information, we use an online tool called PledgeManager.

PledgeManager is a 3rd party software platform we work with because they provide some great tools to help backers sort through the nearly 250 different Wildlands set options. These include category selections and tags to filter and declutter your product searches. (Simply selecting “unpainted” or “hand-painted” tags to suit your preference will save you a ton of scrolling.)

All backers who completed a Kickstarter pledge will receive an e-mail invitation with a private link to their Wildlands PledgeManager account. This account will be pre-loaded with your pledge payment total and your main pledge selection. The system will guide you through the process of confirming – or if you wish, enhancing – your set selections. If you do add to your pledge, PledgeManager will collect payment for these additions at check-out. If you didn’t include the shipping and applicable taxes to your location, PledgeManager will collect these charges as well. Invitations will go out gradually over 2-3 days, starting on October 21, 2020. (If, by October 25th, you haven’t received your invitation, please e-mail

While we’d love to get Wildlands orders locked down as soon as possible (so we can optimize tooling configurations and map out production), we know there’s a lot to digest, and some higher-priced options that need careful consideration. Accordingly, we will leave the Wildlands set selection open until November 22, 2020. (Address changes will remain open for some time thereafter.)

Please keep in mind that no Wildlands sets will be available on our website (or anywhere outside the PledgeManager) until we have shipped Kickstarter backers. At that time, some surplus inventory, subject to availability, will be released on our website (though as always at higher prices that on Kickstarter/PledgeManager). Many of the sets you see here will be permanently retired after the Kickstarter production run (for the simple reason that we’d have to do another Wildlands Kickstarter to afford such a broad production run). So if there’s set you consider a “must have” we encourage you to include it your pledge manager selections.

Thank you so much for participating in the Kickstarter and for completing the PledgeManager. If you have any questions, we’re always available to help at

You can learn more about what is new in the PledgeManager offerings by watching this video below or visiting the What’s New in Pledge Manager page.